The exhibition is held every other year and unites world leader-companies in technologies, speed and quality of delivery, storage and distribution of cargo. In 2013 more than 2000 companies from 63 countries took part in the exhibition and more than 52000 people from 110 countries visited it. A great number of companies’ leaders and potential investors usually attend the exhibition. For more information about the exhibition you can visit Transport Logistic 2015

A visitor’s leaflet
There is also a special Interactive Map of the exhibition. In April, 2015 it is planned to provide an application for smartphones and tablets with lots of useful options (lists of participants, contact details, event schedule, etc.).
Herе you can leave your e-mail to get the App among the first.
We took part in Transport Logistic 2013, which became a milestone event for APS. It left lots of positive emotions, gave us a great experience and its results exceeded our expectations.

That’s why we have prepared a special visitor’s program, emphasizing our new and improved fields of work. See you at Munich!