To read the text of the order please visit:
In this order it is stated that, for example, to transport goods from third countries a Polish carrier shall have a CMR seal of Polish customs and such goods shall be transshipped at a particular customs warehouse. The Polish side shall submit a list of such warehouses to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.
This order becomes effective on 20.12.2015.
The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation attempts to stop the flow of goods from third countries, which are now transported under bilateral permits.
Trilateral permits are more scarce among carriers, and their quota for foreign carriers is limited; therefore, with the course of time, some foreign carriers will be unable to transport goods from third countries to Russia.
For customers using trucks of Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian or other carriers, this may result in delayed delivery of their goods, and in some time they may face a situation when they will be unable to have their goods delivered using their old schemes.
Over 400 trucks of our company are registered in Russia and have access to the Russian market without any restrictions related to road permits.
Therefore, we offer our customers uninterrupted delivery to/from Russia all year round.